The Pros and Cons of Resistance Band Training
What are the advantages of resistance band training?
Core killer: it’s a training that is designed to train the whole body, not just specific muscle groups at a time. Therefore, in order to ensure your body is working as one kinetic chain versus individual segments, it’s crucial that all muscle groups, both upper and lower, must work together through every movement to stabilise the body. This requires constant engagement of the core, which might not sound like a killer, but wait until you try it…
Focus on form: one aspect that makes resistance bands particularly unique is that they are highly ‘directional’. By this, we mean that once they’re set up and you’ve chosen your exercise, you then have to train through a very specific range of motion in order to maintain the desired resistance. In turn, your form and posture must be immaculate to achieve this specific range of motion. Focusing on form and posture is something often left forgotten in most gym workouts, but is crucial to avoiding injuries and balanced muscle growth.
Protects your joints: because it’s not completely gravity dependent, resistance brand training creates considerably less joint compression than free weights, and can therefore be ideal for people recovering from an injury, or even just for those who fancy giving their poor, battered joints a bit of a well-deserved rest.

Drawbacks of resistance band training?
Quantifying gains and progress: for those of us that need numbers to quantify progress, resistance band training may fall slightly short. Because it depends on resistance that is dictated by length of stretch and the thickness and width of the band, it’s often difficult to determine the exact amount of resistance (in kg’s for instance). Therefore, it can be tricky to reflect back on previous training levels to determine progress over time.